What began 30 years ago by purchasing a truck mounted tree spade to plant and move large trees around on our own farm, has now become a passion and family business.
We raise corn and soybeans on our farm outside of Aurora, while also operating a tree nursery consisting of a variety of different coniferous trees, with several thousand on site to choose from.
Whether it be providing smaller potted trees available for pickup or larger more mature trees that are professionally planted on your property, helping design and assist with tree placement or implementing an irrigation system, we offer all the services to get your tree from our nursery safely into the ground!
With silvery blue-green tones and colors all year round, a sleek pyramidal shape and no-nonsense care, the Colorado Blue Spruce tree checks all the boxes of a landscape must-have and will impress no matter where it's planted. They are resistant to wind and can tolerate dry periods well, as they boas... Learn More
Black Hills Spruce are another ornamental evergreen that add value, privacy and natural beauty to your landscape. These Spruce are narrower, denser and darker green in color than the Colorado Blue, but still share all the same great qualities such as being fast growing, long lived and also resistant... Learn More
The fastest growing of all Spruce trees, the Norway Spruce is another excellent choice for your landscaping. This pyramidal conifer has large weeping branches with dark green foliage, and can quickly reach taller heights making it an ideal choice for a wind break, your yard or anywhere on your prope... Learn More